Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Does An Increase Bilirubin


As promised, here is a recipe (yes, but also it is time ù.ù sweet)! ;)
So, today I present the scones that are nothing but sweets of Scottish origin. They are
-like cookies because they are neither hard nor soft as the pastry, a middle ground.
One thing there is to say: the original recipe provides them with raisins raisins in the house but since there was not and is not like that much, I used a variant that is banana and chocolate chips: D I assure you that are fantastic! I took the recipe from the site of Misy. The place as she wrote it:)

"Ingredients: 260 gr flour
150 ml of milk, 90 grams of raisins
50 g butter,
1 tablespoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon sugar
a pinch of salt.

1 egg to brush the scones

Sift flour, add yeast, sugar, a pinch of salt and mix together.
Add the soft butter in flakes and, with the tips of your fingers, crumble into the flour until it is completely absorbed.
Now add the raisins and mix well.
Pour the milk in the center and with a fork, mix.
then quickly work the dough with your hands until it forms a soft, sticky dough.
on a board leggermente infarinata, stendere l’impasto di 1 cm di spessore e, con un tagliapasta , ritagliare gli scones (e ripetere l’operazione con gli avanzi di impasto).
Disporre gli scones su una teglia da forno rivestita con carta da forno, distanziati gli uni dagli altri.
Sbattere l’uovo e spenellare la superficie degli scones.
Infornare gli scones a 200°C in forno già caldo e cuocere per 15-20 minuti finché saranno leggermente dorati.
Sfornare lasciarli intiepidire.
Servire gli scones tipiedi con marmellata, miele o la lemon curd. "


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