Saturday, February 12, 2011

Painless Herpes Blisters

Vegetarian Baked Pasta Frittata Zucchini Soup imperial

La zuppa imperiale è un evergreen di mia nonna. Ogni sabato pomeriggio, da autunno a primavera ne prepara almeno 3kg, li divide in sacchetti e freezes them, ready to be distributed to daughters, aunts and grandchildren for lunch or dinner on Sunday ... and it is not Sunday without the broth, of course.
It 'an old recipe, comfort food of the past who has no time and has no age given that everyone likes, even to children.

For 4 servings you need: 3 eggs, 90g of semolina, 60g grated parmesan cheese, 60g butter, nutmeg and salt.

Melt the butter off the heat and add the semolina and parmesan. Beat eggs and add to the mixture with salt and nutmeg (or pepper).
Butter a baking dish and roll out the dough equalizing imperial well and that does not exceed one centimeter in thickness.
Bake in oven at 200 ° for 10-15 minutes, the surface should be golden but not too dark and the butter should fry.
Once it has cooled remove from pan, place it on a plane and cut into small cubes.
This soup should be eaten in broth instead of meat, just cook 5 minutes from boiling and ready.


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