Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does A Pamper Cake Look Like

Here, on this recipe much to say ..
start by saying that it could be a recipe for a Valentine's Day delays, or .. that .. well, who does not know what are the Bounty? Delicious "cookies" coconut covered with chocolate:)
riproduciamoli So, why not? Simple. Because if you do not have patience and dexterity is better to buy ready-made XP
But no, by! Describe the satisfaction you feel when you see a dish made after so much effort? Difficult; D

So here! The recipe I got it from Tina's blog, although I suffered some changes ^ _ ^

> 200 g coconut flour
> 80 g sugar
> 100 ml of cream (that probably serve more)
> Milk chocolate or dark chocolate about 300g

Mix the flour, sugar and cream in a bowl, making sure to get a well-composed work, try to form a bar with your hands to see if it stays compact.

then be prepared, fingers, even though the work would be preferable to simplify them in a "ball".
Put the shapes in the fridge (or freezer for you to become very hard) for about 15 minutes.
Melt chocolate. Here there are some problems, perchè la ricetta originale diceva 150g, MA, mi sembravano pochi e difatti lo sono stati. Magari aggiungete un pò di latte al cioccolato fuso, così diventa un pò più liquido, quindi più facile da utilizzare.
Rotolare le barrette o palline nel cioccolato e disporre su carta forno.
Far riposare in frigo x almeno 2 ore.

"Anche l'occhio vuole la sua parte": Per questa ricetta c'è un'eccezione xD xD
Tutto sommato però sono buoni e assomigliano (di gusto!!) moltissimo a quelli veri ;D


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