Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Congratulatory Letters For Church Anniversary

barley soup scented wood

.. I love to eat soup all year round and kitchens in every possible way! This is a classic barley soup, with beans, potatoes, vegetables and the rustic flavor of dried mushrooms. E 'nourishing and invigorating, ideal as all soups and soups in general, to cold and winter like this, but I have to say that they are also good warm, or otherwise enjoy in the spring when temperatures permit.

doses are indicative, but I would say that is enough for 4 people: an onion, a carrot, some celery, two medium potatoes or a large one, a handful of dried porcini mushrooms or mixed beans 100g canned or dried and soaked from the night before, 100g of pearl barley already soaked and rinsed, ½ cup dry white wine, extra virgin olive oil, parsley, a clove of garlic, un cucchiaio di concentrato di pomodoro, sale, pepe, brodo vegetale.

Preparate le verdure (cipolla, carota e sedano) lavandole e tagliandole a piccoli pezzetti. Sbucciate le patate, tagliatele a tocchetti di un centimentro, sciacquatele sotto l'acqua fredda e tenetele a bagno nell'acqua ghiacciata. Fate rinvenire i funghi secchi in acqua tiepida e tagliateli a piccoli pezzi. Risciacquate i borlotti dal loro liquido di conservazione e passatene al mixer la metà con un filo d'olio e un cucchiaio di brodo, fino a creare una cremina. Tritate finemente il prezzemolo e l'aglio. 
Ora che è tutto pronto let simmer the chopped onion, celery, carrot and garlic with a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan that if it is clay must have at least a thick bottom. After a few minutes add a ladle of broth and let it soften well, everything takes about 10 minutes. At this point, adding potatoes, beans kept aside, barley, mushrooms, a pinch of salt, pepper and cook a few minutes Add wine. Cover with the broth to be about 4 fingers above the vegetables and simmer without a lid and low heat, stirring occasionally. After about 15 minutes add a tablespoon of beans and concentrated previously passed to the mixer, mix well into the soup and continue cooking for another 15 or 20 minutes, or until the barley and potatoes are thoroughly cooked. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve with a dribble of olive oil and parmesan cheese.


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